Prevent Workplace Violence

April 30, 2019

Violence or crimes can happen to anyone at anytime! We often do not think of violence and crimes when at work but that could be where they happen most. Business crimes are often from an unknown source, but other crimes may occur within the workplace and between coworkers. To avoid nasty workplace feuds, follow some of the tips below to keep your place of business happy and safe. 

Team Bonding

You can increase productivity and communication in your business by simply implementing team bonding. Regular team bonding activities can develop skills and knowledge of your staff by enhancing productivity, increasing communication, and encouraging collaboration. Better connect your employees by coordinating a simple work dinner outing or lunch catered to the office. If your employees are increasing cooperation and collaboration, they will be less likely to experience violence and feuds between each other. 

Clear Expectations

Clear expectations in your workplace should be addressed when new employees arrive. Expectations should include a discipline policy which describes the consequences of making threats or violent acts, outlines the procedures to report a complaint, and describes clear examples of unacceptable behavior. Not only should the expectations be outlined during the hiring process, but also be reviewed by all employees regularly. Make it a commitment to regularly monitor and review the discipline policy to keep all employees accountable. 

Access Control

Having an Access Control system gives you the ability to control who comes and goes from your workplace. This tool is becoming more popular and essential for local businesses in the Lexington area and across the country.  With Sonitrol of Lexington, you can have an access control system which allows you to lock & unlock doors, disable access and create activity reports so you can keep track of the entrances and exits of your building using card keys, key fobs, electronic locks and even key-less entries. 

Seek our security experts to help prevent violence in your workplace and determine your specific security measures best suited for your business. 

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